United Softball Association - Boxscore - Oakland 8, Toronto 2

Oakland 8, Toronto 2

Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R H E
Oakland 5 1 1 0 0 0 1 8 15 0
Toronto 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 12 1

GP: Games Played AB: At Bats R: Runs H: Hits 2B: Doubles
3B: Triples HR: Home Runs RBI: Runs Batted In BB: Walks SO: Strikeouts
SF: Sac. Fly OBP: On Base Percentage SLG: Slugging Percentage Avg: Batting Average XBH: Extra Base hits
H/RISP: Avg with Runners in Scoring Position Qualified: Player must play games. (1/2 of Max GP)
GP: Games Played Wins: Wins Loss: Losses Tie: Tie SO: Shutouts
IP: Innings Pitched Hits: Hits Runs: Runs ER: Earned Runs HR: Home Runs Given
BB: Walks K: Strikeouts BF: Batters Faced Balls: Balls Thrown Strikes: Strikes Thrown
PIT: Total Pitches IBB: Intentional Walks FPB: First Pitch Balls GO: Number of Ground Outs FPS: First Pitch Strikes
AO: Number of Air Outs (Fly Balls, Popups, Line Drives) K/BB:Strikeout/Walk Ratio B/S:Balls/Strike Ratio ERA: Earned Runs Average
WHIP:Walks plus hits per inning pitched BAA:Batting average against
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